BALKAN is standing up for freedom of choice! STOP mandatory and FORCED vaccination!
Parents and citizens urge the Governments of Balkan countries to Allow Freedom of Choice on the Issue of Vaccination. They invite all people around the globe to join them in protecting the health freedom of Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian, Macedonian, Bulgarian and other citizens of the Balkan region… . They believe that forcing vaccination is a violation of international human rights.
They invite all people to join them in protecting the health freedom of Balkan citizens. There is currently a campaign by governments and institutional officials in the Balkans countries to completely eradicate any form of exemption to forced vaccination.
„We, concerned parents who stand for human rights and health freedom, are fighting for the right to choose. We believe that forcing vaccination is a violation of international human rights.
We urge the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to uphold the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and prevent officials in Balkan countries from forcing concerned parents into „submission“ to the immunization of their children given the depth of proven and internationally well-documented evidence of vaccine-related injuries and deaths.
Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states the following:
„Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.“
We believe that mandatory „submission“ to vaccination directly undermines our rights:
To life, because of the possibility of vaccine-related deaths and injuries.
To liberty, because we are being denied the freedom of choice on significant matters related to our personal health and that of our children.
To security of person, because we are being forced to accept interventions that undermine the security of our individual personhood. We are in fact being denied individual personhood because we are being denied the right to refuse interventions that could cause detrimental health effects. If decisions related to our health are made by those who do not have our consent to make those decisions, we are no longer persons, we have become property.
Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states the following:
„No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.“
We consider the mandatory vaccination of our children as being arbitrary interference with our families. We can interpret the Ombudsman’s letter as stating that we as parents cannot make decisions about our children’s medical care, and that those decisions are to be made by „professionals“ and lawmakers. Therefore, we are essentially being told that our children are the property of those decision-makers and not our children or our families. This is arbitrary interference with the family. A mentally sound and concerned parent ought to have every right to question medical interventions and make decisions that weigh the risks and benefits of such interventions.
We are simply asking for freedom of choice when it comes to our health and well-being, and that of our children and families. We simply ask that our human rights be respected and that we are protected from being forced into „submitting“ to medical interventions against our will.“