From Osama to Obama | WikiLeaks: Al Jazeera controlled by US Government

It wasn’t all that long ago the Al Jazeera news network was considered, quote ‘evil’ by Washington. But the White House has certainly changed its tune, recently praising its ground breaking coverage. That’s little surprise, say critics, after Wikileaks revelations exposed the director general of the Qatar based network of having links to the CIA, and promoting him to hurriedly quit. RT’s Anissa Naouai takes up the story.


WASHINGTON — Al Jazeera offered WikiLeaks money in exchange for access to the diplomatic cables that WikiLeaks amassed in 2010, according to the accounts of Julian Assange’s former ghostwriter and of a former WikiLeaks employee.

In “Ghosted,” a story by Andrew O’Hagan in the London Review of Books about his experience ghostwriting an autobiography of Assange that was never published, he alleges that Al Jazeera offered Assange $1.3 million in exchange for WikiLeaks data.



Further reading:

Al Jazeera – Another Fairy Tale [Link]

jews For Jazeera: Is Al Jazeera a mo$$ad Front? [Link]

Al-Jazeera: Press or Propaganda? [Link]

Pro-israeli editors seek to influence Al-Jazeera International English Satellite TV [Link]

Bahrain Bans Al Jazeera TV On Charges Of ‘zionist Bias’ [Link]

Al-Jazeera – pro-israel Arab Network [Link]

Al-Jazeera and the triumph of televised propaganda [Link]

Qatari Hollywood And The Mercenary Invasion of Tripoli [Link]
Al-Jazeera is directly involved in killing of Syrians [Link]

Al Jazeera prepares fake images of Syria (Just as it did for Libya) [Link]

How and why Al-Jazeera became garbage [Link]

Kiss Of ‘Democratic’ Death: israel’s Plot To Take Down Syria II [Link]


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