Svemirska stanica leti ka Zemlji, očekivana mesta pada Evropa, US i region Balkana

Kineska svemirska stanica udariće u Planetu Zemlju sa hemikalijama koje prouzrokuju kancer. Očekivana mesta udara Evropa, US i region Balkana

Svemirska stanica leti ka Zemlji, očekivana mesta pada Evropa, US i region Balkana

Svemirska stanica “Tiangong-1”, teška 8,5, tona ubrzava svoj nekontrolisani pad, a njen kontakt sa Zemljinim tlom bi trebalo da se dogodi između 24. marta i 19. aprila, navodi se u Evropskoj svemirskoj agenciji.

“Tiangong” (u prevodu Rajska palata) poslata je u Zemljinu orbitu 2011. godine. Stanica je korišćena za misije sa posadom i bez nje, a u istoriju je ušla kao mesto prve svemirske misije jedne žene astronauta iz Kine.

Vlada u Pekingu je prošle godine saopštila da je komunikacija i kontrola nad stanicom izgubljena i da će se ona srušiti na Zemlju. “Tiangong” je proteklih nedelja počeo da ulazi u gušće delove atmosfere, zbog čega je njegov pad dobio na ubrzanju.

Računa se da će veći deo stanice sagoreti u atmosferi, ali će, prema rečima astrofizičara Džonatana Mekdauela, njegovi delovi teški i do 100 kilograma ipak pasti na Zemlju.

Kineska svemirska agencija je obavestila Ujedinjene nacije da će se “Tiangong-1” srušiti u periodu između oktobra 2017. i aprila 2018. godine. Šanse da će njegovi ostaci nekoga povrediti ili ubiti su male, ali se Peking obavezao da obavesti UN kada pad konačno počne.

Zanimljivo je da se kao mesto mogućeg pada navode Francuska, Španija ili Portugal u jednom slučaju, a u drugom zemlje Balkana.

Izvori: Webtribune | B92 | Global Media Planet INFO

Kineska svemirska stanica udariće u Planetu Zemlju sa hemikalijaram koje prouzrokuju kancer
Kineska svemirska stanica udariće u Planetu Zemlju sa hemikalijaram koje prouzrokuju kancer


The Tiangong-1 space station (artist's impression), which is hurtling towards Earth carrying a 'highly toxic chemical', will likely hit sometime between 24th March and 19th April
The Tiangong-1 space station (artist’s impression), which is hurtling towards Earth carrying a ‘highly toxic chemical’, will likely hit sometime between 24th March and 19th April



„Veoma toksična“ hemikalija mogla bi da se rasprši kada delovi kineske svemirske stanice padnu na našu Planetu.

Hemikalija, koja se zove Hidrazin, koristi se u raketnom gorivu i veruje se da dugotrajna izloženost izaziva rak kod ljudi.

Hidrazin (H2N-NH2, diamin, diazin) je otrovna (i karncerogena) bezbojna uljana, dimljena tečnost osnovnih karakteristika koji ima miris kao amonijak. Spada u hemijsku strukturu diamina. Čisti hidrazin je bezbojna tekućina koja vri pri 113,5°C, a pri oko 250°C se raspada na amonijak i azot.

Upravo ova hemikalija nalazi se svemirskoj stanici Tiangong-1 koja nekontrolisano leti prema Zemlji a koja bi po rečima eksperata mogla pasti na Ameriku i pojedine zemlje Evrope uključujući zemlje zapadnog Balkana naročito Srbiju.

While a precise landing location remains unclear, ESA has provided the latitudes between which Tiangong-1 is likely to land – and countries at risk include Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Balkan countries, Spain, Italy, Turkey, India and parts of the US. ESA says no fragments will fall higher than 43°N or further south than 43°S
While a precise landing location remains unclear, ESA has provided the latitudes between which Tiangong-1 is likely to land – and countries at risk include Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Balkan countries, Spain, Italy, Turkey, India and parts of the US. ESA says no fragments will fall higher than 43°N or further south than 43°S

Upozorenje koje je stiglo zbog izloženosti ove hemikalije prilikom pada kineske svemirekse stanice potiče od Aerospace Corp, neprofitne organizacije sa sedištem u El Segundo, Kalifornija, koja pruža tehničke smernice i savete o svim aspektima svemirskih misija.

Hidrazin je bezbojna, uljana tečnost, belo kristalno jedinjenje sa veoma visokom reaktivnom bazom.

Agencies around the world have been monitoring the doomed craft's descent, with three separate predictions issued in recent days. Experts from the European Space Agency give a current estimated re-entry window of between March 17 and April 21
Agencies around the world have been monitoring the doomed craft’s descent, with three separate predictions issued in recent days. Experts from the European Space Agency give a current estimated re-entry window of between March 17 and April 21
Website Satflare has calculated odds of re-entry in March (20 per cent), in April (60 per cent) and in May 2018 (20 per cent)
Website Satflare has calculated odds of re-entry in March (20 per cent), in April (60 per cent) and in May 2018 (20 per cent)



A 'highly-toxic' corrosive chemical could be spread over the planet when a Chinese space station crashes to Earth, experts have warned. The substance, called hydrazine, is used in rocket fuel and is believed to cause cancer in humans (stock image)
A ‘highly-toxic’ corrosive chemical could be spread over the planet when a Chinese space station crashes to Earth, experts have warned. The substance, called hydrazine, is used in rocket fuel and is believed to cause cancer in humans (stock image)
Aerospace Corp, a US non-profit corporation which provides technical guidance and advice on all aspects of space missions, says Tiangong-1 will re-enter the planet's atmosphere in mid to late March, with wiggle room of two weeks either side of this timeframe
Aerospace Corp, a US non-profit corporation which provides technical guidance and advice on all aspects of space missions, says Tiangong-1 will re-enter the planet’s atmosphere in mid to late March, with wiggle room of two weeks either side of this timeframe
The vehicle is 10.4 metres long and has a main diameter of 3.35 metres. It has a liftoff mass of 8,506 kilograms and provides 15 cubic metres of pressurised volume
The vehicle is 10.4 metres long and has a main diameter of 3.35 metres. It has a liftoff mass of 8,506 kilograms and provides 15 cubic metres of pressurised volume
The Chinese space agency has been tracking the space station (pictured before it was launched in 2011), and vowed to issue warnings if there are any potential collisions imminent. But not everyone is convinced by this
The Chinese space agency has been tracking the space station (pictured before it was launched in 2011), and vowed to issue warnings if there are any potential collisions imminent. But not everyone is convinced by this
The vehicle is 10.4 metres long and has a main diameter of 3.35 metres. It has a liftoff mass of 8,506 kilograms and provides 15 cubic metres of pressurized volume
The vehicle is 10.4 metres long and has a main diameter of 3.35 metres. It has a liftoff mass of 8,506 kilograms and provides 15 cubic metres of pressurized volume

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Izvori: Daily Mail, Reuters, drugi svetski mediji

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Tags: Nauka i Tehnologija, Aktuelno, Zanimljivosti 


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